Bring Home Your Baby Boy To A Room Made Special For Him

The news that your expected little one is a boy brings on dreams of generations to come carrying on your family name. It also gives rise to the question of what would be the perfect baby boy nursery. After all, every little prince deserves a royal welcome at home on his first day. While there are many furnishings to purchase that are of course necessities, the underlying theme of the rooms decorations are one of personal choice and involve other decisions. Like do you go traditional and use children’s books, or more modern themes of popular cartoon and movie characters.  No matter which direction you go, your little one will have the most perfect little boy’s nursery if you keep a few other things in mind, as well.

Always keep safety at the top of the list when making decisions. All furnishings, like the cribs, and changing tables and dressers should contain safety certificates guaranteeing their compliance with safety regulations. All area rugs and even the traditional blue rugs should also carry non-toxic dyes and be certified as such. After all, he will not remain in the crib forever, and soon be exploring down on the floor and in the toy box, so all choking hazards need to be disposed of as well.

Creating the perfect nursery should reflect an ability to change as the boy grows into a toddler and preschooler. The baby stage only last for about two years and after that his personality will be showing and so will his preference for colors and shapes. Your first concern is comfort and warmth, and visual stimulation for his small area of the world.

 Bringing in colors that can reflect calmness is great for a boys room, because blue is a calming color. Painting the walls and putting other touches of softness at this stage is more for the parents benefit than the newborns. After the other furnishings are in place, you can lay down large colorful Flotaki rugs that will soften the sounds of your steps as you continually peek at his sleeping form. Even bring in a rocker and have its motions quieted by the softness of green rugs beneath the rockers. Placing a variety of colorful Flokati rugs like blue rugs and even earth toned brown rugs can provide visual stimulation as their patterns break up the solid appearance of the floor. Baby’s brains develop quickly and he will learn by focusing his eyes on the different shapes and sizes of the area rugs as you sit and hold him.

The best nursery will be one that looks put together, a single theme throughout. Using a baby blanket or some other item draw inspiration for your theme and move it up on the walls, the ceiling, and even the toys and books you bring into the room. Try to use a table setting with picture and baby shower centerpiece that can grow with the baby, and be easily retrofitted for an older child. The amazing flexibility of convertible 3in1 cribs makes this an extremely doable project.

The floors can be set up with modern modular stacks of storage bins, and even provide playing activities for toddlers.  No matter which theme you go with, the love you share will be reflected in each item you place in the room; and will be appreciated by the young master as he grows to enjoy each carefully chosen object.