Making Feng Shui Work For Your Home

You hear it all the time. But few people know what it really is. Put in the simplest of terms, Feng Shui is an Asian line of thinking – a philosophy – that deals with harmony. This harmony can be extended to your home, one place where chaos can be detrimental to your health and wellbeing. When followed, the principles of Feng Shui lend life and energy to any living space.

Feng Shui is different from other home decor themes in that it is functional as well as aesthetically pleasing. If you are looking to infuse your home with positive energy to invigorate you, give Feng Shui a try.

Start By Cleaning Up

Harmony is impossible to achieve amidst chaos. This is the very first thing that you will have to learn. Start by clearing the clutter from your home. As Feng Shui is dependent on energy flow, clutter prevents positive energy from going around your home. Adopt a minimalist approach. Keep things simple and clean. Position your furniture in such a way that open spaces let energy roam freely. Allow more light and air into the room. These elements represent life and energy in Eastern culture and they would help you achieve Feng Shui.

Achieve Balance

After you have cleared up the room and made good energy flow, you need to actually map out where the Bagua – the energy itself – will go. This step concerns the arrangement of complementary elements. You have to determine the placement of furniture for this. For the North, use blue or black, colors that represent water in Eastern culture. They will balance out other elements that may be present in the room. Remember, harmony is key to authentic Feng Shui.

Third Step

You are now ready to take a look at your accent pieces one by one and determine if they can be used in your redecoration project. Being distinctly Eastern, certain accessories will not work. An African table setting would look out of place so go for a Korean table setting to create a focal point.

After you are sure of the accessories you will use, figuring out each piece’s place is the next step. Harmony is important here too. With all the possible colors and accent pieces, you have to make them all work together to achieve authentic Feng Shui. You have to be careful not to disrupt the flow that you worked so hard for. Adapt a holistic approach – in that you must consider all the possible interrelationships between all the elements that you use.

Remember the Floor

You are not done until you have made the necessary changes on your floor. Nothing major, just make sure it matches your walls and decors. In fact, a simple floor makes the Feng Shui look you are going for more complete and authentic. Go for floor coverings that are not screaming for attention. You want to be subtle in this area. A black area rug is something to consider or a white area rug would work well too. just remember to keep your floor clean. Keep potted plants for another look and you will reap the reinvigorating positive energy that authentic Feng Shui can bring to your home.